When seeking a job with a company, don't talk to them about ways that you can fit into their existing initiatives. Anticipate where the company is going and talk to them - even better: show them ways that you will be able to help them to get there. Key things to remember:
- every healthy organization is trying to go somewhere better than where they are today
- if the organization is not moving in a direction - or if your hiring manager isn't aware of that direction, you might want to think twice about working there
- in healthy organizations, the most desirable and interesting hires are those who can help the organization to get to tomorrow's destination
If you are reasonably sure that you are well-suited for a position, don't immediately take "no" for an answer. Healthy organizations that are moving in new directions need people who won't take immediate "no"s for answers in their daily work. Your interactions with a hiring manager may be a great first chance to show this ability.
I'll end this post with a story that shows the power of using these two principles:
In 1997 i interviewed with Ron, a Senior Technical writer at Walt Disney Imagineering for a contract position as an Assistant Technical writer with the Show Ride Engineering group. After what i thought was a very positive interview, i was later informed by the contract agency that Ron had passed on hiring me, stating that he thought i was not the right guy for the job. My immediate (and not much thought-out reaction, i must confess) was to ask the contract agency representative to call Ron back and let him know that i was sure that i was the right guy for the job. After a short negotiation she did so grudgingly, and called back, surprised that Ron had scheduled a second interview with me the next day.
From the first interview, i remembered that Ron had mentioned a new push to put all of Imagineering's technical documentation in web format for wireless access by the engineers. Though the job description was for a pure technical writer, when i went back to meet with Ron the second time, i mentioned that i had an interest in the digitization effort, and reminded him of my previous experience that might be of use.
Ron hired me on the spot, i ended up working there for a full year, and Ron and I became friends. He even offered at the end of my contract to write up a letter of personal recommendation. Toward the end of my tenure there Ron told me that the fact that i had the gumption to (respectfully) disagree with his opinion showed drive, personal self-knowledge, and that i had the gumption necessary to stand up to the political pressures in Imagineering.
I would say that these traits are desirable to any organization, and your first meeting/negotiation is a great place to display them.
This is a really beautiful article. It's thoughtful, and helpful. If I were able to see an article like this half a year ago, it would relieve me of many pains when I was looking for a job.
-Andy @ Stamford, CT
Thanks for the kind words, Andy. Though i'm sorry i didn't write this earlier, i hope that the ideas help you in the future.
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